4. Monetization Strategy

The SUNDAE project team has developed various monetization strategies to ensure sustainable growth and long-term success. As mentioned earlier, a key element of our strategy is involving our investors in project management. Thus, investors can claim all dividends earned from SUNDAE MIH. The company's monetization will be carried out through capital investment from the SUNDAE fund into real-sector production assets and the purchase of shares in promising and fast-growing companies. As per the Senators' decisions, a portion of the capital from the SUNDAE fund will also participate in trading other digital assets, stocks, tokens, etc. This activity will be exclusively under the professional control and coordination of the best traders in the SUNDAE community. Thus, SUNDAE MIH plans to diversify its capital and generate profits from different sources.

We have developed numerous concepts and business plans, and we plan to present them to the Senators for consideration and approval during the first session of the community. Unfortunately, we cannot publish them here because many of our business models involve unique commercial technologies, and premature publication could harm our plans. However, we can assure you that all planned commercial projects have been developed with the involvement of successful businessmen and specialists from various areas.

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