5. Roadmap

Upcoming Roadmap and Strategy for Implementing Intermediate Goals

2024 - 2025:

- Expansion of the SUNDAE project community to a 1 million live audience;

Without limiting ourselves to conventional project promotion methods, our team plans to accumulate all our media resources through our partners - millionaire bloggers, popular national-level media, crypto-experts, and well-known analysts. Additionally, we have a formed budget of 1 million dollars, the funds of which will be directed towards advertising integrations in all global social networks. Project promotion is also planned in other areas such as video games, film, and music, organizing grand SANDAE parades in the capitals of the CIS countries, participating in press conferences, and presenting our project in the state institutions of European countries. Our team of specialists has developed a detailed marketing plan that is not subject to publication as it contains a series of highly unusual and, in some cases, even shocking events. We wouldn't want to spoil the "unexpectedness," "boldness," and "surprise" of our ideas by publishing the entire scenario here. So let it remain intriguing for you.

- Listing on all the most popular exchanges in the world.

As of this text writing, the SUNDAE project is in its infancy. However, we have already managed to convince major exchanges like MEXC (link), and Bitget (link), (add other exchanges and analytics services) of the seriousness of our intentions. In turn, our previous project, Grimace, took third place in the token ranking on MEXC (screenshot). This primarily indicates how quickly we can surpass all competitors and break into the leaderboards even with the Grimace meme coin. If we did it with a meme coin, just imagine what we would achieve with the innovative SUNDAE.

We also plan to develop our own platform for exchanging and using our cryptocurrency on a real-time basis.

- Attracting world-famous opinion leaders, stars, public figures, scientists, and politicians to SUNDAE.

Celebrities from completely different sectors of life will soon unite to promote SUNDAE as a new socio-economic paradigm. A paradigm where those who don't know each other, occupying completely different social roles, come together around a single digital currency and create their own business empire. Our broad connections in various circles allow us to already negotiate about certain idols of millions to become a part of this new crypto concept. Some of them are going along with us for the idea, some for the opportunity to increase their income, but in any case, our authority, connections, financial, and media resources allow us not to postpone this task for many years and already today to create an army of advocates promoting the SUNDAE system.

- Regular token burning

See section 5 of Tokenomics

- Conducting the first virtual investor community AMA session

At the end of the year, we plan to hold the first meeting of investors, who are also the new Senators of the project. This will be the first day when we lose centralized control over the project, and its further fate will be determined to a greater extent by those who have at least 1 SUNDAE in their wallet. Through the general assembly, we shape and approve the agenda. The approval of each agenda item will be done through online voting. You have 1 SUNDAE - which means you have 1 vote. You have 577 SUNDAE - you have 577 votes.

The voting and discussion process will take place online, through a special application developed by our team.

- Achieve a target of 1 SUNDAE = 20 USDT within the year.

Compared to our previous project Grimace, which we managed to raise from 0.3 cents to 100$, the "SUNDAE - 20 USDT" task is a minimum task, calculating for the worst-case scenario of market events. In the case of Grimace, we managed to achieve a capitalization of 40 million dollars, giving each participant on MEXC and Bitget the opportunity to turn every 100 invested USDT into 20,000 USDT. We have created hundreds of new millionaires for this world. However, our ambitions related to SUNDAE pale compared to the resources we have invested in the Grimace project.

- Creating an army of killer robots

We do not intend to create an army of killer robots. This item was added to lighten your mood. Thus, we thank you for having read half of our White Book. We appreciate your attention and time.

In the medium term, we see our cryptocurrency as a tool to combat global issues such as poverty, inequality, and the ecological crisis. We want to become a leading force in philanthropy, using our technology, among other things, to attract more people to these important issues and create meaningful change in the world.

In the long term, we envision a new, 194th, state on the world map.

Last updated